Know Your Options: Understand the differences between short sales and foreclosure, and determine which option is best for you.
Find the Right Agent: Working with an experienced real estate agent who has a track record of success with short sales.
Communicate with Your Lender: Keep your lender informed of your situation and stay in contact with them throughout the short sale process. Learn what to say and what not to say that can kill your deal.
Prepare Your Home for Sale: Make necessary repairs and improvements to maximize the value of your home and prepare your home for the lender’s inspection.
The short sale process can be lengthy, so be prepared to be patient and persistent. Learn my secrets to get your short sale approved in 30 days or less.
Negotiate: Work with your agent and lender to negotiate the terms of the short sale to ensure the best outcome for you and your family. Learn my special techniques to eliminate negotiating with the lender and fast track to an approval.
As a special gift, please click on the link to get my eBook called “Keys to Avoid Foreclosure"